Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Spreading God's Word to the Limehouse Community for 160 years

Sunday morning worship services are held at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome to join in Praising God in 'the little church on the hill'

Wednesday, 1 April 2020

A letter of Encouragement for all.... April 01, 2020

April 1, 2020
Good day to one and all!
I hope everyone is keeping as well as can be expected during this time of crisis.  I know many are chafing at the restrictions, but I hope we can all understand that this time will come to an end!  The word from the medical officials all over the media is that this week, the first week of April, will be the critical week in “flattening the curve”, because in theory it will be the week in which everyone who was infected two weeks ago will be reaching the end of the worst of their illness and, by extension, the worst time of their ability to infect others!  However, we will still be “locked in place”, more or less, for at least a couple more weeks.  
This, of course, means that the church will not be open for Easter, something that I believe has happened only once in its history – in 1919, when the Spanish Flu epidemic caused churches to be closed.  Dawn Livingstone has sent over a wonderful article that was written a few years ago regarding the closure of Knox Church during that epidemic, and I imagine Limehouse’s experience was much the same!  I will still be recording and broadcasting services on Good Friday morning and on Easter Sunday itself, and I am exploring the theology of “communion with us all in our homes”, thanks to an item that has been circulated by the PCC!
Building Fund Sunday was supposed to be the last Sunday of April, but it looks as though we may be closed until at least the first Sunday of May, so this will have to be reconsidered by Session and the Board alike.  
Memorial Sunday was to be the last Sunday of May, but Session has resolved that it would be best if we combined its celebration with that of our 159th Anniversary in September!  More details on this decision will come out as time goes on.  
Donations and offerings to the church can still be made by mailing your offering envelopes to Bill Karn.  While we have been able to make all of our commitments to date, again, we don’t know how long this will last.  
Lastly, I hope those of you with computer access are able to enjoy the devotions and Sunday worship services being posted on Knox’s YouTube channel.  If you haven’t tuned in yet and have lost the link, you can find it at : or by searching for “Knox Presbyterian Church Georgetown” on the YouTube site itself.
Please don’t hesitate to contact either myself, your elder, or someone else from the congregation if you have a need, either pastoral or purchasable, and we can help you with it.  
God is with us in this time of trial, and we will get through it by being His Church – not in the building, but in our hearts and in our lives! 

Rev. Steve