Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Spreading God's Word to the Limehouse Community for 160 years

Sunday morning worship services are held at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome to join in Praising God in 'the little church on the hill'

Friday, 10 December 2021

Order of Worship, Limehouse Presbyterian Church December 12th, 2021 The Third Sunday of Advent

Service Notes and Announcements


118 Hark! The Glad Sound

712 Arise, Your Light Is Come

159 O Come, All Ye Faithful

128 There's A Voice In the Wilderness Crying


Responsive Luke 1:67-75 (the Song of Zechariah)

NT Hebrews 1:1-6

Sermon: “O Come, All Ye Faithful”


Food Bank Toonie Jar – We have realized that the Toonie

Jar, by which we make donations to the local food banks,

has not been being used this year due to COVID 19 If you

wish to make a donation to the food banks through the

church, please include it in your offering with a clear note

regarding direction before the end of the year!

• We are still looking for an Organist / Pianist to lead music on Sundays – Kathleen Boose can do it, but

we’d rather give someone else (such as a young piano student) the opportunity to play and gain some

experience (not to mention earn a little money for their work!).

• Christmas Concerts in at Knox – Michael Kelly Cavan will be performing a Christmas concert at Knox

this evening at 7:00 p.m. The Knox Choir, plus Haydn Evans & Friends, will present a concert of

different Christmas music on Sunday, December 19th, also at 7:00 p.m. Mask-wearing and social

distancing for those in the pews will be enforced at these concerts.

• Do you have a hymn or a Christmas carol that you’ve been wanting to hear or sing? Please submit

such requests to Rev. Steve and he will slot it into the upcoming worship services!

• Christmas Eve will be celebrated on Friday, December 24th, at 5:00

• Congregational Meeting Results - Following worship worship, Ted Brown led in prayer before business

items were discussed. Cathy Brown was nominated as Church Treasurer and Susan Cox was nominated

as Church Secretary . Ray Denny presented the 2022 minister's stipend and allowance for 2022. Bill

Karn presented and explained current Church finances and Insurance Coverage for 2022. Glenda

Benton presented an update for Building Fund. A motion was made and carried that our congregation

donate to our local food banks. (Thank you to everyone who came out for the meeting!)

• Pray also for:

o Those who have been told that their jobs are redundant or are otherwise being eliminated

o Those who are struggling to make ends meet as the year is coming to an end

o Those for whom hope and peace are fleeting, and joy seems like an impossible dream

o Those whom we can love, as God has first loved them.

• Thanks, as always, to everyone for your continued support of the work and ministry of our congregation!