Limehouse Presbyterian Church/Knox Presbyterian Church, Georgetown
February 20th, 2022
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
Service Notes and Announcements
Psalm Psalm 37:1-11
OT Genesis 45:3-11
Gospel Luke 6:27-38
Sermon: “Loving the Unlikeable”
· Limehouse Re-Opening on February 20th - The Limehouse Session has decided that the church will be open for public worship again as of Sunday, February 20th. The same protocols as we were using before will be maintained for the time being, though they may change as government requirements do.
· Knox Re-Opening target date is March 6th - The Knox Session has determined that our best opening date will be Sunday, March 6th, which is the first Sunday of Lent (and also a Communion Sunday!). Again, we will seek to use either the same protocols as before or amended protocols as advised by the government.
· Limehouse Church AGM- Saturday, March 19 10:00 am
· Limehouse Givings- Please note that during the lockdown and potentially bad weather, arrangements can be made for monthly contributions to be picked up if you do not wish to go to a monthly automatic withdrawal from your account. Please contact Cathy Brown to arrange. Her contact information is cell: 905 703 3883, email:, mail: 17 Hewson Cr. Georgetown L7G 2N8.
· Coldest Night of the Year Walk - Knox will be supplying the chili refreshments for the walkers in the upcoming Coldest Night of the Year Walk on February 26, 2022. Volunteers will be needed during the day to help prepare the Chili and at night to serve the Chili at the Links2Care office in the Knollcrest Centre. Daytime preparation will run for about 3 - 4 hours and serving will run from 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. If available or interested, please advise Dennis McLay.
· Pray also for:
o People who view themselves as “moderates” in an increasingly all-or-nothing world, that they may be true to themselves and their beliefs,
o People who are dealing with “invisible illnesses” such as fibromyalgia, whose pain and disability are doubted because they are not obvious to the world,
o Those who will be coming home from the Olympics with no medals, just the satisfaction of having competed,
o Those who struggle to be grateful for the little bits of “good” that are in every day, moments that shine like candles in a dark night.
· Thanks, as always, to everyone for your continued support of the work and ministry of our congregations!