21st, 2022
Sunday after Pentecost
Notes and Announcements
483 |
Glorious Things of Thee Are
Spoken |
30 |
God Is Our Refuge And Our
Strength |
592 |
Here I Am, Lord |
Sermon: “Court Tales 3 - Divine Protection”
· We are upstairs for
services again!!!
· Knox Last weekend of August – Rock ‘n’ Roll Car Show, August 26th; we are doing the barbecue again, and will need people to help cook and serve – please talk to Dennis if you’re able to help out. We are also preparing a meal for Evangel Hall, to be served on Sunday, the 28 in the evening. We are going to be cooking about 80 pounds of meatloaf and 80 pounds of potatoes, so we will need some potato peelers at the church on Saturday, as well as some folks willing to cook a meatloaf in their oven at home on Saturday afternoon!
· Farewell - The Knox family is saddened to learn that Lynda Strathdee has
moved to Strathroy, Ontario, to be closer to family (her son, Philip, moved
there with his family a couple of years ago). This happened VERY rapidly,
and as you read this, she has already departed! Lynda has been a member
of Knox for many years, and was elected as an Elder in 1991, taking over as our
Roll Clerk in 1992. She has a tremendously large heart for
friendship and fellowship and was a linchpin that kept many of us connected,
and she will be tremendously missed by everyone in the Knox family! Her
new address will be made available soon. At an appropriate time, this
Fall, we will give her an appropriate farewell during worship and Coffee
· Return To Old Ways - Starting on September 11th, Knox's Session has resolved that we
will be returning to certain "old ways" in worship, including
hand-out bulletins and congregational readers for announcements / responsive
psalms. If you are willing to take on one of these roles and be put on a
rotation list, please speak to Rev. Steve or to Charles.
o People who are persecuted for their
beliefs and their values, to the point of losing their jobs, careers, and even
their lives, as they attempt to pursue honesty, truth, and justice
o Those who are quick and sharp with
their words when some calm and gentle words would perhaps be more effective
o Those who are struggling because they
are receiving no rain, as well as those who are struggling because they are
receiving too much
o People who are dealing with old
wounds and old scars, with attempts and apologies and attempts at forgiveness.
see attached from Norval Presbyterian
as always, to everyone for your continued support of the work and ministry of
our congregations!