Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Spreading God's Word to the Limehouse Community for 160 years

Sunday morning worship services are held at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome to join in Praising God in 'the little church on the hill'

Saturday, 15 October 2022

Order of Worship, October 16, 2022, Limehouse Presbyterian Church,

 October 16th, 2022

10:30 a.m.!

19th Sunday after Pentecost

Halton Hills Joint Service

Service Notes and Announcements




Praise Ye the Lord, Hallelujah!


Tell Me the Old, Old Story


I Come With Joy



Living God, Your Joyful Spirit



Psalm      Psalm 46            

OT           Genesis 32:22-31                       




Sermon:  “Blessed & Broken” Rev. Dr. Sarah Travis (Knox Acton)          



·      Joint Worship Service – This Sunday.  Service Will begin at 10:30 am.

·      Are Your Affairs In Order?  Jones' Funeral Home is presenting a workshop on being prepared for the end, led by their new Certified Executor Advisor, Gordon MacGregor will be at the at the Erin Legion, 11-12:30 and 6:30-8, on Wednesday, October 26th.  See details on the poster.  Call Jones' (905-877-3631) to register. 

·      Friendship Circle- Meeting Thursday, October 20th, 11 a.m. in the small hall.  Please bring a box lunch.  Tea and coffee will be served.  All women of the church and their friends are invited to attend.

·      Townsend-Smith Foundation- North Halton, in conjunction with Heart House and Acclaim Health, is offering a workshop on Cultural Considerations at End-of-Life.    Presentation themes are Talking about Dying in a Culturally Sensitive Way; Rituals on the end-of-life journey, at time of death and post death;  How grief is expressed in various Faiths and Cultures; and Supporting families through the grief journey.  Date is Thursday, October 20,2022.  Location is Gellert Community Centre, 10241 Eighth Line, Georgetown. Registration at 9:00 am; presentations 9:30 am-11:30 am.

·      Community Unity Yard Cleanup - the Annual Fall Yard Cleanup date this year is Saturday, November 5th. If you need your yard raked by Community Unity, please advise Rev Steve or Dennis. Volunteers are also needed for the cleanup day commencing at 8:15 a.m. at Holy Cross Catholic Church and ending at 12 noon at Knox Church. 

·      Community Unity Cleanup Luncheon - Knox will be hosting the luncheon for the volunteer workers of the Fall Yard Cleanup program. If you are able to volunteer to help with the luncheon, please advise Dennis. Volunteers will be needed from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. We will be serving hamburgers, sausage on a bun and cake.

·      Food Bank Donations - if you are inclined to or thinking about providing a Thanksgiving donation to the Georgetown Bread Basket, the items in most need right now are crackers, cookies, juice boxes, individual puddings and instant mashed or scalloped potatoes. Items can be dropped off at the food bank or Knox church and they will be delivered.

·      Evangel Hall Delivery - Rev. Steve will be doing a delivery of clothes and sundries to Evangel Hall on Wednesday, November 2nd.  If you wish to donate any items, please leave them in his Study before that time.  Please keep in mind that non-winter-weight clothing will be donated onward by EH, as they only have so much storage space.  Donations of NEW underwear and socks (all sizes) are always welcome, as well as travel-sized grooming items.  

·      Rev. Steve will be in his Study Tuesday-Friday this week, but will be away from next Saturday, October 22nd, until Monday, October 31st, and will not have access to his phone during that time.  In a pastoral emergency, please contact your elder or the Church to make alternate arrangements. 

·      Out of Office-Charles will be out of the country 16 Oct (after the service) till 25 October but can still be reached via the church email.

·      Prayers for this Week

·      For police officers, who put on their uniform and go to work knowing each day might be their last, but go anyway...

·      For soldiers who fight for justice and freedom and against oppression and tyranny...

·      For families and churches alike who grapple with their brokenness even as they try to love one another...

·      For people who just seem to want to fight, for those who just want to make peace, and for those stuck in the middle, Lord, remind us that you are with us all!

·      Thanks, as always, to everyone for your continued support of the work and ministry of our congregations!