The Church's One Foundation
Kum Ba Yah
If I Have Been the Source of Pain
Make Me A Channel Of Your Peace
Psalm Psalm 119:1-8
OT Deuteronomy 30:15-20
NT 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
Gospel Matthew 5:21-37
Sermon: “Seeing Deeply”
· Annual General Meeting to be held Saturday, Feb. 11 at 10:00 am
· Limehouse Church Heritage Designation- Voting Details-If you were not able to vote or pick up a ballot at the AGM a ballot will be delivered or mailed to you. All ballots are due back by Feb 25.
· Easter Basket Brigade- In conjunction with the Georgetown BreadBasket, Community Unity has identified approx 175 Families in need of Groceries in the Halton Hills area and will be convening Saturday March 25th 9:30 AM at Georgetown Christian Reformed Church. We are suggesting our Families in all of our congregations to share Easter with another family by ideally purchasing (2) $50.00 Grocery Gift Cards and also writing an Easter Card to the family and share God’s love between us… Any size of donation is greatly appreciated and please forward all Cards, Donations and Easter Cards to your Church Representative. Let's keep the message moving forward that as a “Christian Community” we need to pull together in times and are called by Jesus to love and help thy neighbor.
· Georgetown Bread Basket - if you are thinking of making a donation to the Georgetown Bread Basket this month, the items in most need are drink boxes for students, individual pudding cups (preferably Chocolate); Pancake Mix; Ketchup and Sugar. Items can be dropped at the food bank or at Knox and they will be delivered for you.
· Prayers for this Week-
· - For the people in Turkey and Syria seeking to recover their dead and then making plans to rebuild
· - For emergency / disaster recovery programs such as PWS&D and their partner agencies around the world
· - For those dealing with tragedy and death around the world
· - For those who step forward to serve their community, one way or another, with care, compassion, and grace.
· -Thanks, as always, to everyone for your continued support of the work and ministry of our congregations!