Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Spreading God's Word to the Limehouse Community for 160 years

Sunday morning worship services are held at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome to join in Praising God in 'the little church on the hill'

Friday, 16 June 2023

Order of Worship. June 18th, 2023

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

June 18th, 2023

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 

Service Notes and Announcements




Blessed Assurance


Father, I Adore You


Spirit of God, Descend

Standing On the Promises




Psalm      Psalm 116:1-2, 12-19


NT           Romans 5:1-8

Gospel     Matthew 9:35-10:8 


Sermon: “Pressed But Not Crushed



·         Summer Offerings: As the Church will be closed for five weeks in July this is a reminder that we have recurring payments every month totalling $2314.75
So while the church is closed, we still need to pay Rev. Steve’s stipend allowances and pension plus heat/ hydro (equal billing).
Any extra on the offering plate would be greatly appreciated.

·         Building Fund and Toonie update from Glenda Benton: We have $ 269.43 in Toonies for the Food Bank.  Balance in the building fund account is $3,672.28.

·         July Services at Knox - Due to the current shortage in supply preachers in the Presbytery of Brampton, Knox will be taking advantage of our relationship with St. Paul's, Nobleton, over the first four weeks of July in order to show services from there during our worship time on July 2, 9, 16, and 23!  Rev. Steve will be back from his time away for the July 30th service, but ALL of those July services will take place at 10:00 a.m. instead of our normal 11:00 start time!  The Rev. Dr. Jeff Loach is a colleague and friend of Rev. Steve, clerk of the Presbytery of Oak Ridges, and teaches at Tyndale University and Seminary on a part-time basis.  Before Haydn came to play for us at Knox, he was playing at Nobleton's Sunday services.  We are blessed to have Rev. Jeff's services as a resource at this time! 

·         Please Pray For

- For the farmers who always hope for the right balance between rain and heat in the growing months

- For the students (and teachers) looking forward to the end of school and the start of vacation

- For those who are entering the workforce at the bottom, and those who are retiring after long careers

- For the broken, the depressed, the grieving, the overburdened, and the lost, that they may yet be assured that God loves and cares for them!

·         -Thanks, as always, to everyone for your continued support of the work and ministry of our congregations!