Limehouse and Knox Presbyterian Churches
| Jesus Shall Reign Where'er the Sun | |
344 |
| The Wise May Bring Their Learning |
483 |
| Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken |
Psalm Psalm 119:129-136
GospelMatthew 13:31-33, 44-52
Sermon: “Summer Parables III - "The Kingdom of God is Like…"”
Knox Duty Elder: Susan Aiken
Knox Announcements
• Coffee Hour: There are currently many open spots available for Coffee Hour over the next many weeks. If you are able, please sign up on the sheet in the hallway next to the phone, orspeak to Charles.
• Georgetown Bread Basket - the local food bank is experiencing unusual demand on their shelves this summer and if you are considering making a donation, the following items are most needed - Canned Meat, Juice Boxes, Instand Puddings, Ketchup and Crackers. Donations may be dropped off at the food bank or at the church and they will be delivered for you.
• From Community Unity: A wonderful Ukrainian family that we had the privilege of working with through the Easter Basket Brigade (subsequently found jobs via Lois Fraser etc) is looking to move to Milton to be closer to their work/school and looking for rental housing. Ideally looking at paying around $2,000 per month and would like to find a place ASAP as the other family that they were living with is moving to Toronto. If anyone is able, or knows someone who is able, please let us know.
• Limehouse Announcements
o Celebration of Life for Ron Clow: Reception in church basement Aug 19th.
o Session Meeting Aug 24th.
o 6th line/ 22nd Sideroad Road Construction: Note the road construction from 6th line /22 Sideroad to Hwy 7 is scheduled to last until Oct 30.
o Church Anniversary September 24.
o Heritage Designation: Info on this designation is on the bulletin board by the front entrance.
• -Thanks, as always, to everyone for your continued support of the work and ministry of our congregations!