Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Spreading God's Word to the Limehouse Community for 160 years

Sunday morning worship services are held at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome to join in Praising God in 'the little church on the hill'

Friday, 27 February 2015

Order of Worship, March 01, 2015

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Limehouse, Ontario


MINISTER :   Reverend Steven Boose



MORNING WORSHIP      9:30 a.m.    March 1st, 2015





INTROIT: Holy, Holy, Holy  vs. 1     # 299



HYMN:        Lift High The Cross   # 643







RESPONSIVE PSALM:   Psalm 22: 23-31  (pg 543)

                                                                             (Led By Cathy Brown)

OLD TESTAMENT:                   Genesis 17: 1-7, 15-16                   (pg 14)


NEW TESTAMENT:        Romans 4: 13-25 (pg 1115)

                                      Mark 8: 31-38   (pg 999)



HYMN:        Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne  # 204


SERMON:   “Called to Covenant II, A Chosen Nation”      

                                                                    REVEREND STEVE BOOSE




OFFERING  Presentation of Gifts  


THE DOXOLOGY We give Thee but Thine own (verse 1)

          We give Thee but Thine own,    Whate’er the gift may be;
          All that we have is Thine alone, A trust, O Lord, from Thee.





The Invitation

Hymn         Here, O My Lord, I See Thee (vv 1-3)    # 543


The Apostle’s Creed     (see inside back cover of hymn book)

Passing of the Peace



Great Prayer of Thanksgiving

Leader:        The Lord be with you.

All:              And also with you.

Leader:        Lift up your hearts.

All:              We lift them up to the Lord.

Leader:        Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.

All:              It is right to give God thanks and praise.

(The prayer begins by approaching the aspect of God as Creator, Father, Life-giver, being thankful for all that we have been given, especially the gift of Jesus Christ.  The segment concludes with words to the effect of…)


Leader:        We join with the whole creation to lift our hearts in joyful praise, saying together…


All:    Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God of power and might,

          Heaven and earth are full of your glory.

          Hosanna in the highest.

Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest.


(The prayer continues, with a focus now on Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Redeemer, and how He gave us the communion meal to unify us in one heart, one spirit, and one faith.  This segment concludes as…)

Leader:        We proclaim the mystery of faith, saying:

All:              Christ has died.

Christ has risen.

Christ will come again.


We come to the final segment of the prayer, addressing the Holy Spirit, moving from thankfulness for what has been done to intercessions regarding what may yet be.  A time of silent supplication may mark this time, after which we conclude with The Lord’s Prayer (debts).


Hear us as we pray boldly with the words that He taught us as we say together, Our Father…Amen.


Sharing the Elements


Prayer After Communion




HYMN:        Here, O My Lord, I See Thee (vv 4-7)                     # 543






Go now in peace; never be afraid,

God will go with you each hour of every day.

Go now in faith, steadfast, strong and true.

Know He will guide you in all you do.

Go now in love, and show you believe.

Reach out to others so all the world can see.

God will be there watching from above.

Go now in peace, in faith and in love.





 We welcome you, our Church family, to worship this morning. May God continue to bless us here at Limehouse.      Congregational Breakfast and Meeting Sunday March 29th, 2015 at 8:30 a.m.
Please join us.
Regular Worship following  at 9:30
MOMENT FOR MISSION:    Sunday March 1
Experiencing God’s transforming love
The Presbyterian Church of East Africa’s Theological Education by Extension program in Kenya provides practical, interactive theological courses to help lay leaders understand scripture, apply it to their context and put it into practice. The course is also offered to prisoners who are eager to learn about God and turn their lives around. Joseph Wanyama, who is serving a life sentence for robbery in Kingongo Maximum Prison, was one of the first inmates to enroll in the course at Kingongo. He became a Christian on his graduation day. Joseph shares, “This course has both liberated and transformed me. I now feel freer inside this prison than I felt before I was imprisoned. I am happy that I can now understand God from my own perspective." Presbyterians Sharing helps people like Joseph experience God’s transforming love.
Presbyterians Sharing is transforming lives
If you would like tickets for the St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon being held at Knox Georgetown on March 14th, please call and inquire at the church office, 905-877-7585
Today we recognize Keith Cairns for his role as elder at Limehouse Church. Keith resigned from active eldership on December 31st, 2014. Please join with us in the basement for coffee and fellowship following morning worship as we thank Keith for his years of faithfulness. 
 We welcome you, our Church family, to worship this morning. May God continue to bless us here at Limehouse.     

Congregational Breakfast and Meeting Sunday March 29th, 2015 at 8:30 a.m.
Please join us.
Regular Worship following  at 9:30
MOMENT FOR MISSION:    Sunday March 1
Experiencing God’s transforming love
The Presbyterian Church of East Africa’s Theological Education by Extension program in Kenya provides practical, interactive theological courses to help lay leaders understand scripture, apply it to their context and put it into practice. The course is also offered to prisoners who are eager to learn about God and turn their lives around. Joseph Wanyama, who is serving a life sentence for robbery in Kingongo Maximum Prison, was one of the first inmates to enroll in the course at Kingongo. He became a Christian on his graduation day. Joseph shares, “This course has both liberated and transformed me. I now feel freer inside this prison than I felt before I was imprisoned. I am happy that I can now understand God from my own perspective." Presbyterians Sharing helps people like Joseph experience God’s transforming love.
Presbyterians Sharing is transforming lives
If you would like tickets for the St. Patrick’s Day Luncheon being held at Knox Georgetown on March 14th, please call and inquire at the church office, 905-877-7585
Today we recognize Keith Cairns for his role as elder at Limehouse Church. Keith resigned from active eldership on December 31st, 2014. Please join with us in the basement for coffee and fellowship following morning worship as we thank Keith for his years of faithfulness. 

Lent is a “season” of spiritual refreshment, renewal and contemplation that lasts 40 days, but does NOT count the six Sabbath days that fall within it!  From Ash Wednesday (Feb. 18th) onward, Christians are invited to sacrifice something that has taken time out of their lives and use that time for prayer, study, or meditation.  This does not mean, say, giving up chocolate and wailing about it all through the season, but if you were in the habit if buying a chocolate bar on a break at work every day, instead of getting the chocolate bar, do something else to help you think more about what God has done for you and how God has blessed you in your life.
Our message theme for Lent will be “Covenants” – we will trace some of God’s great promises to His people and note how they were sworn, sealed, and carried out.  This culminates, of course, in the covenant sealed in Christ’s blood on the cross of Calvary, the covenant promise that all who believe in Him and follow in His way will be with the Father for all eternity when this life is over.
Special events during Holy Week will include:
  • Maundy Thursday (April 2nd), starting at 6:30 at Limehouse PC.  Pot-luck supper, but elements of the Jewish seder meal will also be present, culminating in a remembrance of the Last Supper.
  • Good Friday (April 3rd), 10:00, at Knox – a service of worship and remembrance that will include a choir cantata that will lead us to the foot of the cross.
  • Easter Sunday (April 5th), at regular worship times:  the celebration of the resurrection, including communion!  

Lent is a “season” of spiritual refreshment, renewal and contemplation that lasts 40 days, but does NOT count the six Sabbath days that fall within it!  From Ash Wednesday (Feb. 18th) onward, Christians are invited to sacrifice something that has taken time out of their lives and use that time for prayer, study, or meditation.  This does not mean, say, giving up chocolate and wailing about it all through the season, but if you were in the habit if buying a chocolate bar on a break at work every day, instead of getting the chocolate bar, do something else to help you think more about what God has done for you and how God has blessed you in your life.
Our message theme for Lent will be “Covenants” – we will trace some of God’s great promises to His people and note how they were sworn, sealed, and carried out.  This culminates, of course, in the covenant sealed in Christ’s blood on the cross of Calvary, the covenant promise that all who believe in Him and follow in His way will be with the Father for all eternity when this life is over.
Special events during Holy Week will include:
  • Maundy Thursday (April 2nd), starting at 6:30 at Limehouse PC.  Pot-luck supper, but elements of the Jewish seder meal will also be present, culminating in a remembrance of the Last Supper.
  • Good Friday (April 3rd), 10:00, at Knox – a service of worship and remembrance that will include a choir cantata that will lead us to the foot of the cross.
  • Easter Sunday (April 5th), at regular worship times:  the celebration of the resurrection, including communion!