October 3rd, 2021
Worldwide Communion Sunday
Service Notes and Announcements
Hymns 685
How Firm a Foundation 375
Fairest Lord Jesus 543
Here, O My Lord, I See Thee (vv. 1-3) 543
Here, O My Lord, I See Thee (vv. 4-7
Psalm 26 (Lord, I try my best, so help me in my distress!)
OT Job 1:1, 2:1-10 (Job is afflicted)
NT Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12 (Jesus is greater than the heavenly beings)
Gospel Mark 10:2-16 (Jesus teaches about divorce and innocence)
Sermon: What The Heck Did I Do? A First Meditation on Job
• Today is Worldwide Communion Sunday! Please bring your elements either to the church or to the monitor where you view the service! While we pray that we will one day be able to do communion properly again, with the sharing of the elements, until that time, we simply remember that in the breaking of the bread and in the sharing of the cup, we remember that Jesus gave His life for our sake, giving us a portion in His death and His resurrection! Come, taste and see that the Lord is good!
• We are starting a series of messages based on the book of Job today. Job is an ancient attempt to engage the question of why bad things happen to good people; it’s not a pleasant book, by any means, nor an easy one to read! If you decide to read through it and find yourself with questions, please don’t hesitate to send them along to Rev. Steve! He would love to help you work through them.
• The Townsend-Smith Hospice Foundation is seeking to raise a hospice facility within the bounds of North Halton (with an eye to having it north of Milton, so that Georgetown and Acton residents can easily access it as well). This Thursday, October 7th, at the Italian Cultural Centre of Milton, there will be a candle-lighting ceremony to honour those who have sought hospice care in their community and to express support for access to residential hospice palliative care in North Halton. If you wish more information on the foundation, go to www.townsend-smith.ca; if you wish to attend the candle-lighting ceremony, please go to www.townsend-smith.ca/event/candlelight-ceremony-2021
• Do you have a hymn that you’ve been wanting to hear or sing? Please submit such requests to Rev. Steve and he will slot it into the upcoming worship services!
• We are still looking for a Treasurer and a Secretary to take over the positions being vacated by Bill & Betty Anne Karn by the end of this year. If you are interested in either position, please speak to either them or Rev. Steve about what the jobs entail. We are thankful for all their years of service in these positions!
• We are also looking for an Organist / Pianist to lead music on Sundays – Kathleen Boose can do it, but we’d rather give someone else (such as a young piano student) the opportunity to play and gain some experience (not to mention earn a little money for their work!).
• Pray also for:
o Those who struggle with PTSD from their experiences in the Indigenous Residential Schools even to this day, and the generations that have come after them
o Those who struggle with food uncertainty, especially as the price of food and fuel seems destined to rise over the course of this winter
o The farmers as they enter the busiest phase of their harvest time, whatever the crop may be
o Those who know that winter is coming and are preparing accordingly
• Thanks, as always, to everyone for your continued support of the work and ministry of our congregation! Please remember that you can mail in your offering, drop it off, or contribute through Canada Helps, starting at www.knoxgeorgetown.com/index.php/donations