Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Spreading God's Word to the Limehouse Community for 160 years

Sunday morning worship services are held at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome to join in Praising God in 'the little church on the hill'

Thursday 29 March 2018

Maundy Thursday Service, March 29, 2018

Maundy Thursday


Jesus is Greater;

Yet He Served

 March 29th, 2018

Limehouse Presbyterian Church

Meal – 6:30

Service to Follow


·       The lamb

·       The unleavened bread

·       The bitter herbs

·       The charoseth

·       The parsley and salt water

·       The cups of wine

 The Meal is Eaten
A Prayer of Thanks for the Food
Let us praise Him of whose bounty we have partaken, from this time forth and forever more. Grant us grace, mercy, life and peace on this Feast of the Unleavened Bread.
Barukh attah Adonai eloheynu melekh ha'olam…
Blessed are You, Lord God, king of the Universe…
…hazan et ha'olam kullo betuvo, bechen bechesed uvrachamim.
Who nourishes the whole world in goodness, with grace, kindness, and compassion.
Hu notein lechem lekholbasar ki le'olam chasdo.
He gives bread to all flesh, for His mercy endures forever.
Uvtuvo haggadol tamid lo chaseid lanu ve'al yechsar lanu mazon le'olam va'ed, ba'avur shemo haggadol.
And through His great goodness we have never lacked, nor will we lack food forever, for the sake of His great Name.
Ki hu El zan umfarneis lakhol, umeitiv lakol umeikhin mazon lekhol b'riyotav, asher bara.
For He is God, who nourishes and sustains all, and does good to all, and prepares food for all His creatures which He created.
Barukh attah Adonai, hazan et hakkol. Amein.
Blessed are You, LORD, who nourishes all. Amen.
Introduction to the Foot-washing

Hymn – #229  Jesu, Jesu
Jesu, Jesu,  fill us with your love, show us how to serve
The neighbours we have from you.
Kneels at the feet of His friends, silently washes their feet,
Master who acts as a slave to them.
Neighbours are rich and poor, varied in colour and race;
Neighbours are near and far away.
These are the ones we should serve;
These are the ones we should love;
All are neighbours to us and you.
Kneel at the feet of our friends, silently washing their feet;
This is the way we should live with you.

Communion Prayer / Lord’s Prayer (debts/debtors)
Sharing the Elements (communion by intinction)

Hymn - #225 A New Commandment
A new commandment I give unto you,
That you love one another, as I have loved you (repeat)

By this shall all know you are my disciples,
That you have love one for another

Why Maundy Thursday?
The Latin word mandatum has evolved into “mandate” or “command”, and its evolution into Maundy Thursday is rooted in Jesus’ command that that disciples love one another as Jesus loved them.  Footwashing is an element that is rooted in John 13, where Jesus washed the feet of His disciples to show them the level of service He expected of them.  Being friends with the Lord and Saviour of the world didn’t mean becoming high and exalted, but rather being willing to stoop and serve in the place of the lowest of slaves. 
Communion is also an important part of Maundy Thursday.  Jesus ate the Passover meal with His disciples on that last night of His earthly life, but then changed and repurposed the symbols of freedom and liberation.  The unleavened bread of haste became the gift of His body, which would be given for them.  The cup of wine, He shared with them as a symbol of the new covenant that God was making with all people.

Good Friday’s cross takes place in the aftermath of Maundy Thursday’s meal, and the empty tomb of Easter outshines them all.  O taste and see that the Lord is good…